您好! UPS 自 6/28 号期实行新规定: UPS 决定采用精简的框架调整其操作程序, 如果收件人未对异常解决通知做出回应,且 UPS 试图在 10 天内与客户联系依然无果, 货物将退回发货人,与退货相关的任何费用,包括运输和任何适用的关税、税收和UPS费用,将计入托运人的UPS账户。即由此产生的所有费用将由发货人承担。

请出货前跟收件人沟通好, 以免产生不必要的损失,谢谢!


以下是 UPS 的详细说明, 供参考。
UPS is adapting its operating procedures in Europe to maintain the efficiency of its
network and prevent disruption for its customers.
· From 28 June 2021, shipments with a delivery address in Europe may be returned to
the sender if there is an open Exception Resolution Notification (ERN) and the
customer has not responded to UPS’s attempts to contact them within 10 days.
· Per UPS’s Tariff/Terms & Conditions of Carriage/Service, any charges associated
with returning a shipment, including transportation and any applicable duties, taxes
and UPS fees, will be billed to the shipper’s UPS account.
· An Exception Resolution Notification is sent to shippers when:
o The recipient has refused the shipment;
o Customs authorities will not accept/validate clearance entry because of missing,
incorrect and/or incomplete information;
o The delivery address is not complete or accurate; or
o There have been three unsuccessful delivery attempts.
· Shipments will not be automatically returned to the sender if the shipper has
responded to the ERN and is working with UPS to find a solution to the shipment
· In cases where it is not possible or commercially reasonable to return an
undeliverable shipment to the sender, the company may dispose of it in accordance
with the UPS Tariff/Terms & Conditions of Carriage/Service and existing operating
1. Why is UPS applying this new procedure?
A surge in e-commerce sales has greatly increased demand for UPS services. This
volume growth is combined with evolving needs for brokerage services due to the
new EU-UK trading relationship and upcoming regulatory changes in the EU. As a
result, UPS has decided to adapt its operating procedures with a streamlined
framework to return volume with a delivery address in Europe if a customer has not
responded to an Exception Resolution Notification and UPS’s attempts to contact
them within 10 days. This new procedure will help to maintain the efficiency of
UPS’s European network and will help to prevent disruption for its customers
2. Does the new procedure to send packages back to the shipper apply to all
shippers or only European shippers?
Shipments with a delivery address in Europe may be returned to the sender if there is
an open Exception Resolution Notification (ERN) and the customer has not responded
within 10 days. This applies to all shipments with a delivery address in Europe,
including those that originate outside Europe. Any charges associated with returning
the shipment, including transportation and any applicable duties, taxes and UPS fees,
will be charged to the shipper’s UPS account.
3. My shipments have been returned to me and my UPS account has been
charged, but I wasn’t contacted by UPS. Why has my shipment been sent back?
If a shipment cannot be delivered, UPS will make every reasonable effort to contact
the shipper using the available contact details that were provided with the shipment.
However, in cases where the shipper cannot be contacted, undeliverable volume may
be returned to the shipper in line with the UPS’s Tariff/Terms & Conditions of
Carriage/Service and applicable government regulations.
4. I have been contacted by UPS about an Exception Resolution Notification and
I’m working with UPS to get my package delivered. Will it be returned to me
Shipments will not be automatically returned to the sender if the shipper has
responded to the Exception Resolution Notification and is working with UPS to find a
solution to the shipment exception.
5. I have been contacted by UPS to notify me of an issue with my shipment and I
don’t want my package returned to me. What are my options?
Customers who respond to an Exception Resolution Notification will not be obliged
to have their volume returned to them. The various options for what can be done with
undeliverable volume will vary depending on government regulations and UPS’s
Tariff/Terms & Conditions of Carriage/Service. Please respond to the Exception
Resolution Notification, and the UPS team will be able to discuss what options are
available for the undeliverable volume.
6. I did not consent to have my shipments returned to me. Why should I have to
pay any charges?
Shipments with a delivery address in Europe will be returned to the sender if there is
an open Exception Resolution Notification (ERN) and the customer has not responded
to UPS’s attempts to contact them within 10 days. Per UPS’s Tariff/Terms &
Conditions of Carriage/Service, the company reserves the right to return undeliverable
shipments to the sender and to bill the sender’s UPS account for any charges

associated with returning the shipment, including transportation and any applicable
duties, taxes and UPS fees.
7. The Exception Resolution Notification says that UPS may also destroy or sell
my shipment. How can UPS do that, and why was I not warned?
If a shipment is undeliverable, our preferred solution is to return the shipment to the
sender. In cases where this is not possible or commercially reasonable, the company
may dispose of undeliverable shipments in accordance with the UPS Tariff/Terms &
Conditions of Carriage/Service and existing operating procedures.
